Our Outcomes

It’s easy to relegate “people development” to a low priority. After all, operating the business and creating value are urgent needs that demand our attention. There’s rarely a deadline around developing people… until it’s too late.

We cannot, however, just add “develop people” to our to-do list and check it off when we’re done. Developing people has to be integrated into everything we do. Every interaction, every conversation, every piece of work is an opportunity to develop our people – in service of themselves and the business.

As we operate the business and create value for our internal and external clients, developing our people has to be an integral part of it. In other words, it’s not something we do in addition to our business. Developing People Is Our Business.

That belief informs the way I look at the outcomes of coaching, which can’t be measured in Return on Investment alone. Return on Humanity maybe? Making meaning, improving well-being and mental health, and increasing engagement, whilst often the side-effects of coaching rather than the major focus, ultimately all have an impact on business results.

Please see our Case Studies for the outcomes of our work

Contact clare@clarenormancoachingassociates.com for more details.